Sunday, November 01, 2009

National Lawyers Guild

"NLG President David Gespass said, "The current U.S. position is incompatible with any standard of justice. It is incompatible with President Obama's speech to the UN General Assembly on September 23, 2009, when he said 'The world must stand together. We must demonstrate that international law is not an empty promise.' The Israeli officials who planned and committed the war crimes and crimes against humanity identified by the United Nations Fact Finding Mission remain in power in Israel to this day, they continue the illegal blockade of Gaza, and they continue planning and executing military operations there and in the occupied West Bank. If the U.S. position prevails the culture of impunity will continue. The U.S. must not be allowed to obstruct justice. If Israel continues to refuse to launch an independent investigation, and if action by the UN Security Council is blocked by a U.S. veto, the UN General Assembly should act. Justice delayed is justice denied."" (thanks Dina)