Saturday, November 07, 2009

The least and smallest demonstration EVER

"On Friday, modest groups of Fatah members and others marched in Ramallah and elsewhere in the West Bank to voice support for continued leadership by Abbas. Local Palestinian media continued running news headlines about various organizations or politicians discouraging him from retirement." I in fact watched footage of some of the "demonstrations" on Arab TV stations. They were so small so lame and so enthusiastic and so forced and so bored. Nothing like it, I swear. Also, you need to know something about this man, Abu Mazen. Read his memoirs. He is a petty, small, and petulant man. He noted in his book his pride when Henry Kissinger praised him for his work on Oslo. He noted when Bill Clinton touched his chair. Such is this petty man. My theory is this: he was deeply offended that his American master selected Salam Fayyad while he was still sitting on his chair. (thanks Dina)