Monday, November 02, 2009

Grappling emotionally?

""Migrant workers bring with them a profusion of diseases - hepatitis, measles, tuberculosis, AIDS and drug addiction: Our critics can be as sanctimonious as they like, but unless we stop the wave of migrant workers, the whole character of the State of Israel, its Jewish character, will be under threat." The resort by Israel's Interior Minister Eli Yishai to a blatant racist stereotype is the latest outburst in an increasingly heated public debate about the fate of migrant workers whose permits have been revoked because they had children while working in Israel." OK, so far this is straightforward reporting. But then they say: "Israelis are grappling emotionally with the fate of the 1,800 children born in their country to foreign workers and now under threat of deportation along with their parents." Whenever I see a reference in the foreign press to "Israelis are grappling emotionally" I know that what follows is a justification of racism, murder, and war crimes. Grappling emotionally? Did lynchers in the South "grapple emotionally" with race? (thanks Marcy)