Monday, November 09, 2009

Faye and Heidegger

No more silly than Faye's thesis about Heidegger: "The denunciation of reason and soulless modernism can devolve into crude anti-intellectualism and the glorification of “blood and soil.”, is the ill-informed review of this thesis by Patricia Cohen in the New York Times: "His prose is so dense that some scholars have said it could be interpreted to mean anything, while others have dismissed it altogether as gibberish." Yes, Ms. Cohen. Your last sentence is the reason why you clearly haven't read a word of Heidegger. Notice that they threw Arendt into the mix too. They probably will refer to her articles on Zionism and her Eichmann of Jerusalem as evidence of "contamination"--don't you hate this word and how it is used by Faye--by Heidegger. What if you are contaminated by Herzl--not that this failed journalist and failed playwright was a thinker? Would that be OK? If they found one letter by Heidegger in which he supported Zionism, then all would be forgiven. But what bothers most is the contention that Heidegger is a some Leftist guru: "Existentialism and postmodernism as well as attendant attacks on colonialism, atomic weapons, ecological ruin and universal notions of morality are all based on his critique of the Western cultural tradition and reason." This is the most ignorant statement in an otherwise abundantly ignorant article. Attacks on colonialism is based on Heidegger? So in order to prove that we are not "contaminated" by Heidegger we need to stop attacking colonialism?