Friday, November 20, 2009

Egypt versus Algeria

Aly, an Egyptian scientist, sent me this: "Are you aware of the magnitude of the problem now? Egyptian media claims Egyptians were attacked in Sudan by Algerian hooligans, while a couple of
days before, Algerian Newspapers (specifically the Algerian Shorouq) claimed that several Algerians were killed in Cairo, which did not happen. I can't speak for our fellow crazy comrades in Algeria, (though here is a little taste) but I can give you a quick update on Egypt. Yesterday, Anas El Feqqy (minister of information, إعلام) threatened on Amr Adib's show (the most provocative war-mongering feudal-loving reactionary person on Arab TV), after several Egyptians called from Sudan claiming to be under attack, to send Egyptian troops (I kid you not) to Sudan to protect the Egyptian citizens. Mubarak has ordered a meeting with the national security council to discuss possible unofficial retaliations against Algeria. The most surreal part of this is the response of Egyptians back home. They are royally offended, and want action against Algeria, that involves withdrawing investments (Egyptian capital is abundant as we all know) and all sorts of ridiculous things. But the amount of hate against other Arabs is crazy. Watch this for example: Egyptians have successfully redefined Egyptian nationalism around the
unfounded Masr Om El Donya, Palestinians being thieves that want to steal
Sinai, Sudanese smelling bad and thus deserving mass killing (مجزرة ميدان
مصطفي محمود في 31/12/2005) and the newly discovered fact that Al Maghreb Al Araby is just a bunch of barbar. I was wondering if I can get your help in selling my passport."