Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ben-Gurion Airport: renamed

This has been bothering me this week. I have always believed that Israel is doomed: that Zionism will be eliminated from Palestine sooner or later. I still believe in the goal of the original (not the lousy amended by lousy Arafat to please Clinton) charter of the PLO. But I never knew when Israel will wither away, to quote Lenin in The State and Revolution (but he was quoting Marx). But since the Israeli war on Lebanon in 2006, I became convinced that the elimination of Zionism from Palestine could come sooner and not later. I don't know when but sooner. But one matter bothers me: eventually, the Palestinians will be in control of the land between the sea and the river. And the Ben-Gurion Airport will inevitably be named. I hate to admit this but I am certain it will be named after the lousy Yasser `Arafat. I wish it can be named after George Habash, who did more for Palestine than any Arab in the 20th century.