Thursday, October 15, 2009

We have a new intruder on Middle East studies

A colleague from the East Coast sent me this: "If you think this (see below) is worthy of Angry Arab material and want to mention her feel free to quote me - no names please....Thought you might like to see this. I don't know if you have ever heard of this women - but she did teach at Yale History for a while and is now at Hopkins (!). Goes to show you how crappy an education one can get at elite schools I guess. This woman is considered an authority by some on her topic- whatever that is. Of course her first book is called Storm Of Steel: The Development Of Armor Doctrine In Germany And The Soviet Union, 1919-1939 so as you can see she is quite qualified to talk about "jeeee-haaaaayyyd" as she called it during an appallingly uninformed talk I attended a couple of years ago. She blathered on for forty minutes to a spellbound audience at Yale incomprehensibly and laughably linking her reading of one or two old books on Islamic history to the US Army's problems in Anbar province. Her basic question seemed to be: why do they hate us so much and attack us all the time? [this was before our tax money rented all those Sahwa thugs]. Her answer was obvious - because they are out to destroy our way of life. I had never heard of her before and I honest to God thought her talk might be some kind of conceptual art on the idiocy of American media and policy makers. But it wasn't. It was "real." I almost burst out laughing every time she said the name "Sigh-yad Cot-ab" after I realized she was talking about Sayyid Qutb. She also laughingly challenged anyone in the audience to refute what she said about Islam because she had "gone back and read all the sources." Not sure what sources she could have read since she clearly could not even pronounce a single word of Arabic." But that is not the whole story: not only is she now pontificating on the Middle East, but she is also training teachers about how to teach the Middle East (all that based on her training in Armor Doctrine in Germany).