Monday, October 12, 2009

A right-wing Zionist meets a right-wing Zionist

"Last time I visited Beirut, before the Hezbollah-led "March 8" bloc lost the recent election, I spent several hours with Eli Khoury, one of the smartest regional political analysts I have yet met. I try to see him every time I'm in country to discuss this stuff because his analysis almost always turns out to be right when everyone else's -- including my own -- turns out to be wrong. He's the president of the Lebanon Renaissance Foundation, publisher of NOW Lebanon, and an informal advisor to a number of Lebanese political leaders. This time we discussed, among other things, the war in Iraq, the election of Barack Obama, how to engage and not engage Syria, and Iran's imperial ambitions in the Middle East....
Eli Khoury:
The guy who threw his shoe at Bush -- if he had ever tried to even throw a flower at Saddam, we would have appreciated what he did. But since he's only strong against peaceful foreigners, there wasn't much to appreciate. You know what's the nickname of Americans in Iraq?
There are several.
Eli Khoury:
The one that was most recurrent was "guests."" First, Eli Khoury is the same person who sponsored the trips to Lebanon by right-wing Zionist journalists, like Christopher Hitchens and Totten. Secondly, for Totten to judge the intelligence of a person, is like George W. Bush judging the language skills of a person, or like mini-Hariri judging the coherence of a system of thought. Third, this is the first time that I read something by Totten that did not put me to sleep. I mean, to read those two conversing about the Middle East and analyzing its developments is quite amusing and laughable. What is the name of that French TV show with Jacques Martin in which little kids converse about matters? Fourthly, Elie Khury is a right-wing Lebanese Forces supporter. Enough said. He has been "helpful" for US propaganda efforts in the Middle East. (thanks "IbnRushd")