Look at this picture. It was
published on the front page of Al-Quds Al-`Arabi. Let me state clearly: the presence of any foreign occupation soldier in Afghanistan or Iraq is offensive and provocative in itself. If there is an anti-war movement in the US (and there is not: or there is one as much as there is a "peace camp" in Israel), it would be calling for an immediate withdrawal of all US troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Those of you who voted for Obama should have known from his lawyerly language during the campaign that he was not a peace candidate at all. Anyway, I was bothered because Al-Quds Al-`Arabi had this caption under the picture: "An American soldier aims the barrel of his machine gun against an Afghan woman in Kabul yesterday." This is clearly not the case: this is invented for purposes of inflaming public opinion. If you look at the picture, the gun is clearly held sideways.