Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hotel Al-Qa`idah in Saudi Arabia (wins praise from US)

Sudarsan Raghavan is really funny: he only writes propaganda pieces from Saudi Arabia. Let me make a prediction: he will soon leave the post and takes over a mouthpiece of a Saudi prince, the way Hassan Fattah took over a mouthpiece for the House of Nahyan in UAE. "The rehabilitation of militants such as Jehani has convinced the Obama administration that Saudi Arabia is the ideal place to send dozens of Yemenis being held at Guantanamo. For months, U.S. officials have applied pressure on Riyadh. But Saudi officials say their success with former detainees such as Jehani lies in members of his family and tribe, who keep constant watch over him, and cannot be duplicated with those whose social networks and roots lie outside Saudi Arabia." (thanks Dina)