Friday, September 11, 2009

Trivial Feminism in Lebanon: Kheda (Hariri) Kasra

The Hariri family now is feigning feminism. This is as absurd as George W. Bush feigning Leftism. Look at this video. This is part of a campaign by Rafiq Hariri's sister, Bahiyyah. Back in 2000, I talked to Bahiyyah Hariri for 2 hours on women's issues: I was planning to write something about women and politics in Lebanon, and wanted to talk to the women in parliament at the time: I also spoke to Nayla Mu`wwad. Both women are to feminism what Muhammad Dahlan is to virtue or what Muhammad Dahlan is to resistance or what Muhammad Dahlan is to honesty. You get the picture? I also found out that the two women hate each other. Both women opposed a quota for women. And both women have no clue as to what women's rights are. At one point, Bahiyyah Hariri was saying how far things have advanced in Lebanon, and she said that there are many women journalists. And I said that but they all work for male editors and male publishers. She also told me that her brother was going to be the first prime minister to appoint a female minister. Of course, he was not. `Umar Karami became the first prime minister to designate a female as a minister. Also, this campaign trivializes the issues of women's rights: they leave all the important issues untouched. Maybe the PR firm that did this silly and stupid video would also mention that Rafiq Hariri was the one who aborted an attempt to initiate legislation for civil unions in Lebanon. Rafiq Hariri mobilized the Sunni clerical establishment against the effort. Also, Bahiyyah Hairi was the sponsor of the fundamentalist fanatical group, known as Jund AshSham in Sidon. Also, a family that is run by Prince Salman has no credibility on issues of women's right. (thanks