Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dahlan TV: coming soon

The Fath gangsters have divided responsibilities among themselves. Guess what: Muhammad Dahlan was appointed chief spokesperson and the chief of the Information department. You know what that means? He will control the new Fath TV which is under construction. You know what that means? You will look forward to such shows: Dancing with Dahlan; Everybody Loves Dahlan, Dahlan Guy, Dahlan Place, 90210 Dahlan, Dahlan Friends, Dahlan Housewives, Dahlan Apprentice (only thugs can apply); Dahlan Minutes; The Dahlan Factor; Good Morning Dahlan, Mission Dahlan; Dahlan Company; Dahlan Days; Dahlan Girls, Late Night with Muhammad Dahlan. Did you get the picture or would you like me to go on and on?