Monday, June 08, 2009
Robert Fisk
It is sad when I read Fisk on Lebanon. He really sounds out of it: lazy in what he writes. This article he wrote about the Lebanese election contains way too many errors in one short piece. He does not understand what is meant by "the central bloc" reference in Lebanese politics: he thinks that it includes Hizbullah when the reference is only for those deputies who are neither with March 8 or March 14. He talks about proportional representation in the Lebanese political system when there is no such thing. He talks about "the Lebanese people" following the Western press: this last sentence tells you who he talks to. Do the poor people in Akkar or in the Biqa` follow the Western press like he thinks all Lebanese do? Notice that his refernces to the Hariri family are devoid of references to the Saudi sponsors and the Salafi component of the movement.