Thursday, June 11, 2009

The "pro-Western" allies of the New York Times

First, is it not amusing that the New York Times writes editorials about various parts of the world? Personally, I find that very amusing. Like people in Lebanon or in Mongolia can't go to sleep before knowing what the family that owns the New York Times think about their countries. Secondly, read this editorial about Lebanon: notice that the word Israel or Saudi Arabia appear not once in this silly piece. Is this not another indication of the un-cute Zionist-Saudi conspiracy? Would you doubt that Mubarak or Saudi King would appoint Shimon Peres as Shaykh Al-Azhar if ordered to do so by Zionists in the US? Thirdly, notice that the word "pro-Western" appears more than once in this silly article. To be accurate, references to the elections in Lebanon, should be headlined thus: Pro-Saudi Sunni fundamentalists defeat pro-Iranian Shi`ite fundamentalists. If you want a summary of the conflict in Lebanon, it should be that and not this: "Pro-Western forces scored a solid victory over Hezbollah. That is also a major setback for the militant group’s supporters in Iran and Syria. After years of unending strife, Lebanon’s voters seemed eager for normalcy. President Obama’s outreach to the Muslim world seems to have helped undercut the extremists at the polls. So may have Vice President Joseph Biden’s pre-election visit to Lebanon — a welcome show of support for the pro-Western coalition."