Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Anti-Armenian bigotry in the deformed homeland

March 14 has been built on bigotry and racism from its very inception. It should not be surprising: it is an ultra-nationalist, chauvinist ideology which was inaugurated with attacks on poor Syrian workers in Lebanon--and only after the withdrawal of Syrian troops in Lebanon. Now, the March 14 media and politicians are continuing what they unleashed in the last by-election of Matn from last year: when they blamed the Armenians and blatantly (by Amin Gemayyel among others) referred to them with pejorative terms, like "tari'in" (parasites or outsiders or temporaries). This right-wing writer in NowHariri website (which steals material without attribution including from this website), refers to non-Armenian votes as "clean votes." And this right-wing (former militia man) MP of the Lebanese Forces (who used to claim that he has a BA from a university in the US that does not exist--he later amended the claim), Antoine Zahra refers to more than 90% of Armenians in Lebanon (who support Tashnag) as "a colony in Lebanon." Weclome to the Cedar Revolution. (thanks Olivia)