Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Hummus of shame
British honor crimes
Zionist hooligans
Good protestors and bad protestors
Removing the president but not a coup
Israeli checkpoints
French racism: it is official
Saudi Arabia: in the lead
Paris Hilton and Lebanon: they deserve each other
That justifies the coup in Honduras
The New York Times has spoken...on behalf of the people of Honduras
No calls please
Obama and Honduras
Some good news out there
US media love affair with any Israeli
Father and Son
Monday, June 29, 2009
Note to my readers
Al-Arabiyya TV Report
Saudi Wahhabi exclusion
Saudi tribute to Michael Jackson
Ayatullah repression
Nahr Al-Barid: never forgotten
he was greeted warmly by Palestinians near and far.
All that you have done to our people is registered in notebooks
To Zionist hoodlums: Hear ye, hear ye
Prince Nayef: your friend in need
Wonders of the world: please vote--but not for Lebanon
Lebanon's greatness: A Labnah sandwich
Look how innocent US military intervention is
Obama coup
When are they heroes? And when are they not?
Good demonstrators versus bad demonstrators
Dumb conspiracy theory
Interference in Iraq
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Flash: the Lebanese Army has a plan to confront Israeli aggression
Obama rules: arming the war criminals of Somalia
Sexist names
Israeli praise for Dahlan Armed Collaboration Gangs
Zionist Doctors
Popular vote: Muravchik now poses as a Mid East expert
Wahhabi Harmony
Prince Muqrin
A Lebanese crook: Let An-Nahar be proud
The New York Times has selected a new leader for Iran
Of course it’s troubling, and it’s connected again to the viral, violent message embedded in the ideology that was brought about by Khomeini himself at the time of the revolution.
When your father fled Tehran and went into exile, he reportedly took a lot of money with him. Would you describe yourself today as a billionaire?
Those are the recycling of 30-year-old propaganda by the clerical militants of the time. If you were to learn of my net worth, you would be more than surprised."
Mini-Hariri in the New York Times
PS I stand corrected: the article did refer to the meeting between mini-Hariri and Nasrallah.
Deputy Israeli chief propagandist at the New York Times
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Errors and mistakes in Western reporting
Isabel Kershner and her Israeli propaganda
Daily Situation Report: Palestine
Saudi intervention
Pistachio King
Know your priority
Closet racism
Hariri Tribunal
Supreme Iranian Leader
The Wall Street Journal on Shi`ite Theology
The people versus a celebrity
Zizek: the Iran analyst
Dahlan Collaboration Gangs
Friday, June 26, 2009
For Whom Shall I vote?
Zionist excréments
Al-Ahram is "independent" and Dahlan is virtuous
Zionist Sleaze
Too little, too late
This is Zionism
The Lebanese Army and the Knights of Malta
Latino Hizbullah
Let us dispel Arab misconceptions about Ms. Dalia Mogahed
Blackmail sleazy Zionism
Obama rules
Visitors to this site
- 34.1% United States
- 12.5% Lebanon
- 7.6% Saudi Arabia
- 4.1% United Kingdom
- 3.6% United Arab Emirates
- 3.4% Indonesia
- 3.2% Greece
- 3.1% France
- 3.0% Egypt
- 2.8% Qatar
- 2.1% Italy
- 1.8% Canada
- 18.8% OTHER
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Prince Muqrin
Dictators you like
Diamonds in the land of Hummus
Aljazeera for sale?
Ahmad Jibril
PA repression
An Arab view of Iran
Meddle: but don't appear to be meddling, as Obama said
MRZine and Iranian state propaganda?
Saudi morality
In one week: tell CNN to twitter this
"- Five Palestinian civilians, including a journalist, and an international human rights defender were wounded.- IOF conducted 19 incursions into Palestinian communities in the West Bank.- IOF arrested 22 Palestinian civilians, including two children, in the West Bank.- IOF have continued to impose a total siege on the OPT and have isolated the Gaza Strip from the outside world.- IOF troops positioned at military checkpoints have continued to harass Palestinian civilians.- IOF have continued measures aimed at establishing a Jewish majority in occupied east Jerusalem.- IOF forced two Palestinian civilians to demolish their homes, and issued demolition orders against several homes.- IOF have continued settlement activities in the West Bank and Israeli settlers have continued to attack Palestinian civilians and property." (thanks Sumayya)
Happens everywhere
Alan Dershowitz is considered a liberal in the US
Arab attitudes to Ahmadinajad
Saudi propaganda
Zizek Rule
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
"We write Moussavi; they read Ahmadi"
Lebanese achievement
Dialectic of Western Technology
Gun Zionism
Zionist sexism
Whatever scenarios
Obama Rules: Protecting House of Saud
Punishing civilians
Tony Judt
The Ahmadinajad Matter
Iranian regime's propaganda: blaming Anarchists
Committee to Protect Certain Journalists Only
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
X-Box Hariri
This is Zionism
CNN explains the causes of the Iranian Revolution
I don't like flags but...

PS By the way, Mohtashemi is also supporting the "reform" movement now.
Iran and the Arab world
"We are with you"
ABC of Iranian developments
Shah's family
Didn't know until this week
MEMRI: their hilarious standards
Monday, June 22, 2009
Washington Post on one suicide bombing
Crimes that go on unnoticed
There are good protesters and bad protesters
Colonialism in the 21st century: classic
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Gay and lesbian rights in Arabic
Western media: sickening
Amir Taheri
The usurping entity is nervous
Wahhabi Dances
Two realities
Collaborationist Regime: Dayton O Dayton
"It's been over two years since the last attack from Jenin against Israel. We went to great length to prevent terror attacks, and your people know that." (thanks James)
Media Bribes
Western media coverage
The Hypocrite-in-chief
Dictatorships and double(or triple)standards
Saturday, June 20, 2009
UN food
Would you like some cologne...to drink?
Audacity of the Afghan [puppet] government
Youtube hearts Zionist propaganda
Against voting in Lebanon
Language of occupation
Meanwhile, Israeli politicians are labeled according to an altogether different standard: They are "doves" or "hawks." Unlike the terms reserved for Palestinians, there's nothing inherently negative about either of those avian terms. So why is no Palestinian leader referred to here as a "hawk"? Why are Israeli politicians rarely labeled "extremists"? Or, for that matter, "militants"? There are countless other examples of these linguistic double standards. American media outlets routinely use the deracinating and deliberately obfuscating term "Israeli Arabs" to refer to the Palestinian citizens of Israel, despite the fact that they call themselves -- and are -- Palestinian." (thanks Ussama)
Reuters' policies
One family
AP sources
Iranian Left and Arab Left
Women Migrant Domestic Workers
Royal mercenaries
that Obama speech
slams the choice of Al-Azhar as the sponsor of the event, because under “American puppets, Sadat and Mubarak, Al-Azhar became a force of obscurantism, fanaticism, misogyny, religious intolerance, and violence.” (thanks Mohamad)
Threatened with flags and t-shirts
Piety: at the service of House of Saud

What else? On Palestine