Monday, May 18, 2009

Brent Sandler

Brent Sadler is to journalism what Angry Arab is to dentistry. He has been a joke since the 1990s when he was "taken over" by Rafiq Hariri's press office. As a result, all coverage of Lebanon at CNN is almost a replica of Hariri propaganda sheets in Lebanon. Notice that even ostensibly analytical articles take swipes at Hariri family's enemies and foes: "Aoun -- who has flipped and flopped politically more than a fish out of water -- recently announced he would align with the March 8 bloc, led by Hezbollah." Flip flopping? More than the Hariri family? Those who were tools of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon and for years and who later claimed that they were fighting Syrian hegemony? I mean if Sadler does not have dinners at Mukhtarah Palace, he would regale you with flip flopping stories about Walid Jumblat. But who take Brent Sadler seriously, really. (thanks Karim)