Thursday, May 21, 2009

attacking me?

So there is a front page article against me in Ad-Diyar newspaper (a formerly pro-Syrian regime newspaper which turned pro-Saudi after one meeting between its publisher, Charles Ayyub, and Prince Bandar bin Bribe). So the author makes those points:
1) I have long hair--like I did not notice that. But this is typical: whenever I am attacked in the Arabic press, they bring up my long hair. What gives?
2) American universities are all "suspicious" in the Middle East and that this should make me suspicious because I teach at an American university.
3) that I did not ever meet George Habash but that I merely saw him on TV.
4) That I used to be a supporter of Kamil Al-As`ad before I became a Trotskyist. Of course, I became a Marxist at age 15 or 14, so I must have been a supporter of Al-As`ad at age 7 or 8, I guess. But my parents fed us detestation and contempt for Kamil Al-As`ad as infants, so my family never ever supported Al-As`ad family (although my grandfather, Muhammad As`ad AbuKhalil did support Ahmad Al-As`ad, and even sold lands to support them). I never EVER was a trotskyist by I am always amused by Trotsky when he addressed an audience at the Bronx by: "Workers and Peasants of the Bronx...."
5) I write on Saturdays in Al-Akhbar because Saturday is a Jewish holiday--here there is the typical insinuation of links to a "Jewish conspiracy" (the publisher and his paper are anti-Semitic but MEMRI did not mention that becasue they are now pleased that Ayyub is pro-Saudi.
6) He says that I am "an Orientalist" because all professors at American universities are Orientalists, according to this dude.