Monday, April 13, 2009

On hate mail

A decent American reader wrote me expressing his "resentment and disapproval" toward the my decision to post a hate mail that I have received from an American reader. I should say clearly that most Americans are I deal with are decent and fair-minded. I have lived in the US more than I have lived in Lebanon and I have come to know and love numerous Americans. I have been privileged to meet and know and love Americans who care about peace and justice as much as I and other Arabs do. The hate mail in no way represent all Americans although it does speak for the bigoted section of the American public. For every one piece of hate mail I receive, I receive ten times more messages of love, affection, and praise but my (contrived) modesty prevents me from posting any of them. The reader also expressed his displeasure with my use of the term "the White Man." I have explained before what I mean by that term (and you can google this site for the relevant posts) and it is not meant as a racial category--or not only as a racial category.