Thursday, April 16, 2009


Some people spend their lives reading or writing and some people spend their lives obsessing about their enemies. Martin Kramer is losing it--officially. Ever since he received the news about Joseph Massad's tenure, the man has been flipping out, non-stop. Martin Kramer can't sleep and can't eat and can't function: he wants to yell at the world because Joseph received tenure. Kramer wants all world Zionists to join him in a collective boo hoo hoo. He invents and (wrongly) assumes all in order to show his obsession with Joseph. What Zionist hoodlums* don't know is this: their obsession with their enemies please their enemies and provide them with gratification. I mean, does Kramer think that Joseph really gives a hoot about the obsessive ramblings by Kramer on him? In fact, the more the better. You want to know that your enemies are consumed with hate.

PS One of my readers guessed right regarding the origin of the term "Zionist hoodlums." It is of course borrowed from a famous speech by Vanessa Redgrave.