Saturday, April 18, 2009
Now Hariri
An informed Western source in Lebanon sent me this (he/she does not want to be identified): "Knowing your affinity for these Lebanese patriots, I thought you might find this particularly humorous () not for the content of the author-it is always awful anyways-but for the addendum on the bottom of the page: "Michael Young is the opinion editor of the Daily Star newspaper. The views of the author do not necessarily reflect those of NOW Lebanon." It's funny for two reasons. Firstly, why would NOW Lebanon post (and pay generously for) anything that wasn't in lock-step with their absurd rhetoric? Secondly, I know a lot of "reporters" who have worked and are working there and it is absolutely not true. Michael Young's opinions are exactly the same as those of NOW. Not only has Michael Young been working with NOW since it was founded and continues to help pen their editorials without attaching his name to them and not only does he sit in on weekly editorial meetings to determine what needs to be written but apparently is also very abusive to the foreign journalists and calls their story ideas stupid or ignorant and apparently rejects any stories that do not tow his crazy ideological line. Most importantly it seems that Michael Young and his insane ideas are sadly what pass for ALL English opinions coming out of Lebanon, given his other post as "opinion editor" at the Daily Star. I thought it was bad that he was employed but one media outlet but how is it acceptable that he remains on the payroll of both? At the same time? I mean really??? Who is going to hire him next? Al Manar?????" (The well-informed source is responsible for the information contained in this piece).