Sunday, March 15, 2009

Mrs Sadat: I kid you not

You have to be so unintelligent to think that you can learn anything from Jihan Sadat. But this is Deborah Solomon:
"Why can’t the Palestinians, your fellow Muslims, be part of your country?
Because they are not Egyptian. Gaza is their land, and they have the right to have their own state.
I’ve heard the Palestinians characterized as being very smart and fond of argument, not unlike Israelis.
Believe me, they are more like the Jews than us. By the way, most of the Palestinians are very well educated. Because they are a minority, they are like the Jews. They are intellectuals." (thanks Hannah)
PS You have to read about the origins of the famous feud between Jihad Sadat and Umm Kulthum. And Umm Kulthums was a bad ass of course. Oh, it is in Ibrahim Salamah's memoirs which I have mentioned before.