Sunday, March 15, 2009

Working on peace...with Arab dictators

"and we believe that it is entirely possible to cooperate with Arab governments in that endeavor while also pursuing improved human, civil, and political rights for Arab citizens." You lost me here. So you want to cooperate with Arab governments to promote "peace" [with Israel--that is all that it means in US parlance], while "improving" their human rights? Explain that one to me, pllllease. You have been working with Husni Mubarak since 1981 "on peace" and what do you have to show in terms of human rights? By the way, Michele has excellent command of Arabic: she and I and another student took a class on Arabic poetry together in 1985 with Irfan Shahid at Georgetown. In the last few years, I have appeared with Michele on AlJazeera where she spoke in Arabic. (thanks Karim)