Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What it boils down to

Lee is enjoying this much more than I am. He sent me his second response to my response. I only have two points. 1) he makes my point for me. It is not about censorship or anything else. It is about our hostility to Zionism and Israel that bothers him. He says: "Personally, I don’t think that Arabs necessarily need to give up armed struggle against Israel, although I make a distinction against targeting soldiers and targeting civilians, and there’s a case to be made that much armed conflict can in many, if not most, cases be counterproductive." OK, Mr. I will make sure that Arabs follow your instructions and bring you an order of fries. Also, the White Man historically--and in the present time--always strictly avoided violence and only engaged in peaceful conflict because it is "counterproductive." 2) he is baffled about boycott. He doesn't understand why people engage in boycotts. Let me explain: some people have principles and some people take positions of principles. Got that?