Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Walid Jumblat: from Bushism to Anti-Semitism

What is amazing about Walid Jumblat, who so easily impresses Western reporters who don't know a bit about the Middle East, is that he can by displaying his collection of the New York Review of Books dazzle the White Man. The White Man is always dazzled by a native who can read English and who can drink whisky. Any way, this close ally of Elliott Abrams for 8 years, is now speaking about socialism and about the need for nationalizations and is hailing the "decline" of international capitalism. Yesterday, he was talking about the Leftist symbolism of his father, Kamal Jumblat (who was assassinated by the Syrian regime because he was intent of defeating once and for all the very facist right-wing militias that are now aligned with Walid Jumblat and mini-Hariri). In an interview with Hariri TV, Walid Jumblat keeps reinventing himself after the end of the Bush administration. Here, he says that "it is impossible to reach a settlement with Zionist thought, and even with Jewish thought, probably." Of course, Walid Jumblat has a long history of making anti-Jewihs statement but MEMRI would not cover those because Zionist and their goons forgive anti-Semitism by allies of US and Israel in the Middle East, especially if they accept invitations from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.