Monday, March 09, 2009

Isabel Kershner's standards

I mean that. This woman, Isabel Kershner, deserves a blender for her contributions to Zionist standards of ethnic/racial/religious superiority: "The Shalit saga has gripped the Israeli soul. In a small country where 18-year-olds are conscripted into the army, complete strangers feel intimately connected with the Shalits." Let me tell her that the 11,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails saga has gripped the Arab soul. Did you hear that, Isabel? Do those count for anything for you? By the way, I urge my readers (those who agree with me) to make a point of never EVER mentiong an Israeli terrorist in captivity by name: they want their terrorists to be known by name and face while our civilian hostages are not personalized. (thanks Rasha)