Sunday, January 04, 2009

Tell him to spare me his pontification, please

I don't know who Neil Sutherland is but I really am not in the mood for his pontification. Here, he is making the point that the Palestinians are "bad propagandist." I know that you feel that you have stumbled on a some great insight or great theory, but let me inform you: this is not about good versus bad propaganda. It is about a side that kills 470 people versus a side with primitive missiles that kill 4 Israelis in the same period. It is about a side that is supported by Sudan versus a side that is supported and armed by the United States. Say what you want about the skills or lack thereoff of Palestinian speakers, but this is a very insignificant factor. And most importantly: Israeli speakers can bring a baboon to present their case on American TV, and people of congress, and the media and the public would be impressed and they would express their appreciation for the eloquence of the baboon. I remember people when I came to the US would tell me: if only Arafat is better looking and if only he speaks better English. Now, Arafat is a horrible speaker, but if Robert Redford or Tom Cruise were leaders of the PLO, you think Congress would be more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause? Give me a break.