Friday, January 23, 2009

The mother of all news from Saudi Arabia

My very well-informed Saudi source sent me this (she does not want to be identified):
"Here is the mother of all news: Naif has early stages of Alzhimer's. The Fahad clan is meeting in Morocco to sort out what they are going to do next, and to reassess their position. My mom thinks once Sultan passes on, Salman's influence will wane and he will become irrelevant. The children of the late King Faisal are working with King AbdulAllah, except for Kahlid al Faisal, whom is very close to his uncle because he took care of him while his late father was preoccupied with his turkish wife, the mother of Mohammad, Saud and Turki. Bandar's statement over Hizballah in 2006 was an embarrassment to the King. Bandar has been set aside and is becoming irrelevant. The general feeling is that people want a younger Saud royal to take over. On an aside, the reputation of Abdul Rahaman bin Abdul Aziz, the deputy of the ministry of Defense is that he greedy, ignorant jerk (the words I heard in Arabic describing him were: jash3, laem, tama3)."