Friday, January 16, 2009

Killing for...a cease-fire.

There is something called "war propaganda" and the New York Times has proven that it is more than ever an arm of the Israeli terrorist propaganda. Isabel Kershner is one of many propagandists for Israeli terrorism in the New York Times. Just look at this passage: "But Israel tightened the military pressure on Hamas on Thursday, perhaps to push it closer to a cease-fire that would meet the Israeli aim of stopping Hamas rocket fire into Israel." So Kershner is saying that Israel continued the killing and destruction in Gaza (which she refers to as "tightening the military pressure"--and when you add the word military you immediately give murder legitimacy), was intended for good pursposes. She adds that "perhaps" it is for a cease-fire. When she adds "perhaps" she is admitting that she has no proof and not even claim by Israeli propagandists but that she is willing to invent a purpose for the killing. This brief passage should win the award for one of the most offensive justification of murder in Gaza. Isabel Kershner deserves at least a blender from the Israeli terrorist military.