Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Israeli terrorism and Arab reactions

People in the US don't understand. Our TV screens are not like yours. Your TV screens are reporting the death of the Bush family cat, and our Arab TV screens are showing images of splattered body parts of children all over Gaza. And then Americans wonder why Arabs don't condemn suicide bombings by some Palestinian groups (although some Arabs condemn killings of civilians anywhere). Do you see why? They don't see you condemn the killing and butchery of their children when the Israeli military engages in terrorism on a scale far larger than all the suicide bombings of Hamas in its history. Israeli terrorists killed more in this week than years of suicide bombings. And Palestinians don't see you noticing their victims, and yet you have the audacity of asking them to adhere to your racist standards and only noticing the victims that you deem more precious than the Palestinian victims? If I hear one more American liberal saying: why can't the Palestinians feel for Israeli victims, I may toss obscenities at you.