Saturday, January 03, 2009

Chief PA Buffoon

The chief PA's Buffoon, Sa`ib `Urayqat, spoke on Al-Arabiyya (the station of King Fahd's brother-in-law: enough said). He used the term "cycle of violence." The collaborators are now mimicking the language and expressions of the occupiers. He once told me when I saw him in a TV studio that he likes my "Arabic words." I hope you like my English words too, O chief buffoon. James Baker said in his latest book that `Urayqat was mocked behind his back and was called a "blowhard". `Urayqat also tells members of his family (one of them told me) that he aims to be the president of a Palestinian state. Let me tell you `Urayqat: you may (only may) become president of a potato farm, but no more than that.