I had a dream about Ahmad Jibril: the head of the PFLP-General Command. I never met Jibril but I met his deputy Anwar Raja a few years ago. I thought in my dream (and after I woke up) that the man was a visionary in devising methods of resistance to Israeli aggression. Of course, you can say much that is not pleasant about the organization: its ideological shiftiness and unpricipledness, its strict subservience to Syrian intelligence over the years, it services to intelligence services that paid it money (like Libya in yester years), etc. But when it comes to devising military methods of resistance, Jibril was a pioneer. He was the first one to urge early on to establish a network of underground bunkers and tunnels to protect from Israeli terrrorist air raids. Arafat--seen above in his official picture for this site--(that lousy representative of Prince Sultan and King Fahd in the Palestinain national movement and who is not dead enough and whose grave is not deep enough, as far as I am concerned) would have nothing of that. During the siege of Beirut in 1982, Arafat found out how much he needed an underground bunker and wound up using the underground of...wait: why should I give Israeli terrorists the name and location of that building. Furthermore, Jibril was the first to start and encourage the use of rockets from Lebanon on occupied Palestine. After one cease-fire with Israel (that the lousy Arafat who is not dead enough arranged), Arafat sent his thugs to arrest Palestinians who were planning to launch rockets on the Zionist entity. Jibril also sent people to train with the Libyan air force and had plans to import jet fighters to Lebanon but Arafat (who is not dead enough) vetoed those plans. Jibril also played a crucial role in the Lebanese civil war and he unwisely intervened to save the behind of Walid Jumblat at several junctures of the civil war. Jibril also was behind the use of hang gliders in attacks on Israeli terrorist bases.