Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Abdur-Rahim Fuqara' on the Daily Show

I received many emails complaining about Abdur-Rahim Fuqara''s appearance on the Daily Show. He is the bureau chief for AlJazeera (Arabic). I must agree with the criticisms, `Abdur-Rahim. I saw it and you were so careful to not antogonize any supporter of Israel among the viewers. You even managed to praise Israel's handling of the bureau: and your statement that Israel is the only state that did not close down your bureau in the Middle East is blatantly false. You also went out of your ways to say: well, there are those and then there are the others, as if the vicitms of Gaza constitute a mere another point of view. You presented Arab outrage at the horros of Gaza as a matter of political bias. I have always wondered: why do Arabs when they get into the national mainstream or the limelight or a moment of national exposure get so timid and afraid? I never uderstood that. See for yourselves (thanks Sarah)