Monday, December 15, 2008

From my inbox: some hate mail

A sample of hate mail I received today:
"Fuck yourself bitch. We freed 50 million Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq. The same ones the devout Muslims (Taliban) and Arab socialist (Saddam) were massacring.
So just say, “Thank you” and then just shut the FUCK up!
Because if this country is so detestable, then why are you HERE in MY country when you could be in that great, cosmopolitan, free and diverse "Paris of the Middle East" - Beirut, Lebanon?
LEAVE if this is so terrible and stop feeding off the teat of America in your little U.S. tax-paid college.

We don't need any more USA-hating Muslims here. I will PAY for your ticket to anywhere in the world if you sign a statement for USCIS saying you WILL NEVER come back. You probably wouldn't do that, because the dirt-holes where your Muslim brothers live have terrible living conditions and are unsafe. But that isn't the fault of American, it is the fault of heartless Godless Muslims, like yourself.
Save this email if you even want to take my offer.
My name? Sign me:
Married, Caucasion, Heterosexual, American, Conservative, Christian man."
Your anger is laughable. I guess we should have just let Sadaam keep raping and pillaging Iraq and committing genocide. And if the United States is in fact impreialists that want to rape a nation, which is something that I'm sure you believe, then we sure do suck at it. When oil was $127 / barrel, why the hell weren't we raping Iraq of it's oil then? That would have been what a good imperialist nation would have done. Instead, we kept trying to fight insurgents, increase security, and build schools and let Iraq strike their own deals for their oil rights...none of which included US companies.
Was the Iraq war stupid? Yes. Am I a little more stupid for reading your angry drivel? Absolutely. Is Bush an angry despot or a misguided idealist? The latter.
This entire world needs a little more love. Unfortunately, that seems to be hard to come by in the Arab world. Keep spewing your venom, it keeps reaffirming that I'm on the right side of the solution.
Peace, brother. Peace."
And this website (which like some Nazi publications combines pornography and hate) seems to contain threats to me.