Sunday, December 14, 2008

Eyad Sarraj's Morality

"The secretary-general rightfully condemned Palestinian rocket fire at civilian targets in Israel. Such rockets are morally wrong and strategically inept. Yet the blockade that Israel has clamped on 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza is a collective punishment that harms men, women and children who have no power to control those firing the rockets. Rather than turn Gazans against Hamas, the blockade's effect has been a humanitarian catastrophe that alienates Gazans young and old from both Israel and the West. Even I, a practicing psychiatrist for decades and a longtime advocate of coexistence between Palestinians and Israelis, am having trouble coping with the hardships to which we are subjected." First, Sarraj has to condemn the rockets. You have to in order to get access to the editorial page of any US newspaper. They set the terms of reference and you have to accept them if you wish a foot in the dog's door of the kitchen door. Rockets are morally wrong when Israel is killing Palestinian civilians on daily basis? When the strangulation of the entire civilian population of Gaza intensifies? This becomes the issue? The few silly rockets? As if Israeli brutal occupation would not have existed without the rockets. The rockets become the issue, and not the terrorism of Zionism. When you mention the rockets you really accept, wittingly or unwittingly, the false chronology that Israel imposes on the Palestinians. Then this dude Sarraj tells his Western readers that killing Palestinians is bad: but not bad in itself. It is only bad because it alienated Gazans from "both Israel and the West." What kind of dancing with a rope is that? This is the issue? He is saying that killing "those people" may alienate the survivors from Israel and the West? Eyad Sarraj: as we say in Arabic, you fasted and then you broke your fast onion. I am sick and tired of those standards where before you can express sympathy for the victims you have to condemn the victims and show sympathy for the killers.