Friday, December 19, 2008
Conspiracy in the Arab media? What conspiracy?
"A fluent Arabic speaker, he was seen as a defender of the Arabs within the Bush administration." Defender of the Arabs? This is like calling me defender of Zionism? This is a man who never met an Israeli killing of Arabs that he didn't defend? This is a man who was enthusiastic about the Israeli war on Lebanon. This is the man who never noticed Israeli WMDs. This is the man who never uttered a word of disagreement with the Bush Doctrine. At least Alberto Fernandez slipped once and offer mild criticisms of US foreign policy, and was later exiled to the US consulate in Fallujah. And fluent in Arabic? I have seen Chinese, Russian, French, and British dimplomats speak Arabic to the Lebanese media, and I never once heard him speak Arabic. He once after speakinf in English in Beirut said: "Shurkan" (and he pronounced it as Shuooookrrraeeeednnnaaa). (thanks Mick)