Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Brothers, sisters, cousins, wives, husbands, friends, daughters, sons, colle...
In Paragraphs
Orwellian Israeli media
By comparison
Another Hamas stronghold hit
Balance on the op-ed page of the NYT
There are no Palestinian civilian men
Oh, really? I did not know that.
Israeli students for war, destruction, and racism
Why our conflict with Israeli state AND society
The UN General Assembly had it right back in 1974: Zionism is indeed racism. What else would explain this particular article which sees the suffering of the superior race, but not among the primary victims who have been bombed by Israel for decades (not years).
That should explain it all for you
The Nation Magazine
The New York Times on Gaza: El-Khodary strikes again
Walid Al-`Umari
From Sharjah
police have been ongoinging for the last 2 hours atleast. Will try to get pictures if possible. Trying to alert international media like BBC and al jazeera please help. We can't stay quiet any more. We just want to be able to show our solidarity and our grief."
Chief Collaborationist
On Collaborators
From the Letter Section of the Times (not on the op-ed page of course)
"I believe the Israeli airstrikes are clear violations of international humanitarian law. While the Palestinian rocket fire against civilian targets in Israel may be illegal, that does not give Israel the right to violate the Geneva Conventions. The airstrikes represent:
¶Collective punishment (the civilian population is being punished for actions of a few militants).¶Unlawful attack on civilians in a protected population (the strikes are targeting civilian areas, Gaza being one of the most densely populated areas in the Middle East).¶Disproportionate military action (Israel has destroyed the entire security infrastructure of 1.5 million people).In addition, earlier Israeli actions, like the closing of Gaza’s borders, have led to severe shortages of medicine and fuel, so ambulances can’t respond to the injured, hospitals can’t adequately receive or treat the wounded, and doctors are unable to provide sufficient medical care. Israel is using F-16 fighter jets and weapons provided by the United States. We must stop military aid to Israel. Phyllis Bennis Washington, Dec. 29, 2008"
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Taghreed El-Khodary
Jeffrey Goldberg
Palestinian Children "Pretending" to be Injured and killed

(PS The picture above is of Lama Hamdan, 4, who is pretending to be killed and buried, next to her sister, Haya, 11, who also pretended to be killed and injured). (Reuters)
Zionist Arabs
"Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said Hamas is responsible for the current situation in Gaza and said he had asked Hamas not to end the ceasefire.""
Arming the Gangs of Dahlan but not celebrating
"Pathetic Thugs"
This is Zionism
Israeli military self-esteem
Zero: the Arab regimes
I Call on You
“I call on you
I press your hands
I kiss the ground under your feet
and I say: I sacrifice myself for you
I give you as a gift
the light of my eyes
and the warmth of heart, I give you
My tragedy that I live
Is my share of your tragedies
I call on you
I press your hands
I kiss the ground under your feet
and I say: I sacrifice myself for you
I did not humiliate myself in my homeland
and I did not lower my shoulders
I stood facing my oppressors
orphaned, naked, and bare foot
I call on you
I press your hands
I kiss the ground under your feet
and I say: I sacrifice myself for you
I carried my blood on my palm
I never lowered my flags
and I cared for the green grass
over the graves of my ancestors”
Bridge of Return
"My dear people!!
With eyelids
I roll out the path of your return,
with eyelids.
I embrace your wound
and pick up the thorns of the path,
with eyelids.
With the palms of the hand,
I grind the granite stone,
with the palms of the hand.
And from my flesh,
I build the bridge of your return,
on both coasts."
My Land...My Friends
"My land..! My friends!..
My stolen treasure..! My history..
The bones of my father and
grandfather are denied to me,
so how can I forgive?
If they mount the gallows for
me...I am not forgiving
These green villages of ours
have all become our blood
and scattered traces
Ones have remained
and still fighting
with nails...
Do not tell not tell me..!
Even tombstones have been scattered."
A Palestinian thug

Saudi Elaph's news priorities
Egypt and GCC
Saudi public
The Chief Collaborator in Trouble?
Blogging with blood
Interviewing Israeli propagandists on AlJazeera
He was firing missiles on Israel

History lesson
Indonesian Democracy
At-Tayyib `Abdur-Rahim
An Israeli dog versus the Palestinian people
This is Zionism
Fair and Balanced
Zionist kidnappers
Israel does not speak for all Jews
Human Rights Watch has spoken
Queen Youtube
Norway versus Lebanon
Cross and other Norwegian organizations are loading planes and trucks with medicine and other supplies to be sent to Gaza." In other news, the Lebanese council of ministers met and decided to donate--KID YOU NOT--one million dollars and they also promised to use the new (used) Russian zeee planes to destroy another Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon.
All is registered in Notebooks
"Gentlemen, you have transformed
our country into a graveyard
You have planted bullets in our heads,
and organized massacres
Gentlemen, nothing passes like that
without account
All that you have done
to our people is
registered in notebooks"
A new low for the NYT: Ethan Bronner on Gaza
PS And tell Bronner that Hamas TV is still transmitting (uninterruptedly) although it was bombed by Israeli terrorist occupiers. (He reported: "The Hamas station was taken out by an Israeli missile.")
Lies of Hamas
Hamas Rhetoric
Monday, December 29, 2008
The New York Times Justifies the Bombing of a Palestinain University
Ironies of the US press
ADC: we want what is best for...Israel
Heather Robinson: a new expert on Iraq
Hamas terrorists Killed

Dancing Israelis
CNN and Gaza
Arrested for planning a demonstration
Three Syrian workers killed in Lebanon
What gives
Saudi and Egyptian
Sultan Qaboos
By comparison
Gaza pop = 1387276 and .02% is 277
Israel pop is 7337000 and .02% is 1,467
US pop is 305505444 and .02% is 611,011*
I've double checked my figures and believe they are correct...for yesterday. Can you imagine how we Americans would react and feel if 611,011 Americans had died in the last 3 days from bombs?"
* Correction: 02% of American pop is 61,101
The Dahlan Lobby in Washington, DC Speaks
King PlayStation

PS Will Queen Youtube be blogging on Gaza? Or she is too busy trying (unsuccessfully) to be funny and practicing her newly-acquired British accent.
Nir is kicking ass: who cares if he is hurting his career?
Only 51, exclaimed Israeli media?
The Other side of Dubai
Walid Jumblat calls her "the Loving Condy"
Domestic Servants in US
A brave journalist
Where Obama and Bush are in agreement
Dahlan and Rafah Crosing Agreement

Racism in Israeli state AND society
Shoe Knesset
Following that comment, Knesset Speaker Dalia Itsik ordered Baraka out of the session. On his way out, an extreme rightist Member of Knesset Ardan said to Baraka, “You are a racist.” Baraka replied, “you are a shoe.” Following that comment, Knesset Member Auri Ariel told Baraka in a challenging manner, “Hit him with your shoe.” Baraka apparently started to oblige, removing his shoe, before Israeli Knesset security removed him from the building." (thanks Emily)
This is Zionism
You think I care what happens to an Israeli occupation terrorist?
Human Rights
Amos Oz
Desperate for Good News
In Front of the Egyptian Embassy in Beirut
Hamas and Livni
A terrorist state, literally (as Joe Biden would say)
Mahmud Zahhar and Egyptian Intelligence
Slogans against the Egyptian Regime
«شو مكتوب عصباطي، حسني مبارك يا واطي»
(What is written on my shoe? Husni Mubarak is despicable) (Shoes are offensive in Arab culture)
«يا طنطاوي عامل إيه، بايع غزة بربع جنيه»
(O Tantawi [The Shaykh of Al-Azhar] what are you up to? You have sold Gaza for a quarter of a pound)
NYT Justifying the Killing of Palestinians
Questions for the New York Times
These are your enemies, o Palestinians
Sunday, December 28, 2008
classic anti-Semitism
"Nothing but thugs"

The word from the White House: "“These people are nothing but thugs,” Gordon Johndroe, White House spokesman, said yesterday in comments to reporters in Crawford, Texas, where President George W. Bush is vacationing at his ranch." (Picture credit)
Abu Mazen clarifies
Nasrallah's Speech
The official partner in the crimes of Zionism

Peres wants more women and children killed
Who violated the ceasefire?
From UAE
PFLP's Khalidah Jarrar
NYT: describing demonstrations
A good side to Dubai
To all those who urged me to vote for Obama: I told you so DAMN IT
Fooled by Egptian intelligence
Daily Zionism
Know your enemies
Israel's so-called "Peace Camp"
Not in the US press
From the BBC Monitoring Service
The NOs of Khartum
Hamas terrorist

AlArabiyya TV
Hamas are even dumber than you think
Comments on Saudi websites
The Abuse of Language
A Call for Palestinian Disunity
The Wahhabi-Zionist Alliance
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Under their shoes

PS Oh, yeah. I forgot. Shoes are highly offensive in Arab culture.
AlJazeera Obscenity
Dahlan Speaks
Khalid Mish`al
Vidkun Abraham Lauritz Jonssøn Quisling
Angry Arab: the stereotype
Egypt Regime
Al-Akhbar Update on the Israeli massacres
Egyptian foreign minister

Bahjat Abu Ghraybah
You are by yourselves
Massacres' PR
Where is Abu Mazen?
AP Dispatch
Norwegian Official
Obama Doctrine
Don't make peace [with Israel]
Danish cartoons
Arab League
A NYT tribute to a Zionist expert
Demonstration in Egypt

Zionist and Al-Qa`idah Propaganda
Israeli electioneering
Santa against Israeli occupation

Music to Zionist ears
Don't forget, and Don't Forgive

Chief of PA's Buffoons
Saudi Zionism
Hamas babies Killed
What does it mean to be liberal and conservative
Al-Arabiyya and the Cover
Friday, December 26, 2008
Shoe Conversation
PS My mother officially did not like this article.