Thursday, September 11, 2008

There are books I read that I don't have time to write about alas (if you are intrested, some of my reviews are now on Choice website, and I will start writing some reviews in Al-Adab magazine). I have been reading the 5 volumes memoirs of Abu Mahar Al-Yamani (former leader of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and also of the Movement of Arab Nationalists). I have written about him before. But the memoirs are disappointing as a memoirs although he told me that two volumes of the memoirs will not be published, per his request, until his death. But the memoirs have bits and pieces and some documents and pictures but the text is very lacking. Like his volume on his experience sitting on the Executive Committee of the PLO does not add much: he merely reproduces PFLP's reports submitted to the EC of the PLO. I was not expecting a literary memoirs but it is clear that he did not reveal much. Even his portraits of Ahmad Shuqayri and `Arafat and Haddad and Habash were so brief and sketchy. I think Yamani is a great man but his memoirs were a disappointment. (thanks Yusuf for sending them to me).