Thursday, September 04, 2008

A Lebanese physician in Canada, Najib S., wrote me this comment about this post (I cite his comment and name with his permission):
"interesting- kind of. you know this is like israelis trying to prove their right to palestine by unearthing what they claim is remnants from ancient israel..... so what if we find out that iranians (being arians of origin) are related to germans in 20% of cases... does not make any of them are europeans...the phoenicians populated the cost and surely they left some genes behind.... regadless there is nothing cultural (language, music...) they have left behind that we can relate to. another amusing issue is that in the youtube video the guy acually says that the palestinians and syrians (the very same people the so called distinct lebanese hate and would like to prove themselves different from) were included with the lebanese in terms of genetic link!!!! If the science is valid all it proves is that the local population has at some point in the past settled some mediterranean shores and mixed with the locals there... nothing more than that.... wonder why they did not look for a "geneic link" with the arab tribes.... I mean people might very well have was interesting to see the lukewarm response of the people in the street..."