Thursday, September 25, 2008
Adonis thinks that Yo-Yo Ma is a woman. So here is a lousy text of Adonis' speech at Columbia University in honor of Edward Said. I can't speak on behalf of Edward Said but he would have been nauseated by this lousy speech. It is another low for a desperate man who wants the Nobel Prize, even if he receives it while crawling at the entrance of AIPAC in Washington, DC. He is trying in the introduction of the speech to dazzle the White Man in New York City with his knowledge of high culture. He makes a reference to "the famous female musician" Yo-Yo Ma--I kid you not. And notice that he gives Israel specific instructions on how to become "an organic member" of the Middle East and speaks--like members of Congress--about "the guarantee of Israeli security." I don't know who invited him to Columbia but he clearly harmed the memory of Edward Said's work with this lousy (in style and substance) speech.