Wednesday, August 06, 2008

This is a fruit of the Saudi-Qatari reconciliation. Expect more of this. Al-Jazeera has been going down hill for a while now, and the parameters of its debate have only narrowed as is evidenced by the topics that are allowed to be covered on its program, Al-Ittijah Al-Mu`akis, for example. You no more see debates about Arab regimes. "The Al Jazeera television station admitted Wednesday that its coverage of Israel's release of convicted Lebanese terrorist Samir Kuntar violated the station's own code of ethics. The admission came in response to a threat by Israel's Government Press Office to boycott the satellite channel unless it apologized. In an official letter, a copy of which was obtained by Haaretz, Al Jazeera's director general, Khanfar Wadah, wrote that "elements of the program" broadcast in Kuntar's honor on the night of Saturday, July 19, "violated [the station's] Code of Ethics," and he "regards these violations as very serious."" Also, should opponents of Israel not start to casually refer to Israeli leaders as terrorists and killers just as they (propagandists for Israel) do, especially that many Israeli leaders are killers and executioners, literally (from Barak, Sharon, Rabin, Mofaz, Netanyahu, Livni, etc). (thanks Marcy)