Friday, August 15, 2008

"Scratch a little deeper and it is not just that it is shallow for the Lebanese to be obsessed with their appearance. There is bewilderment at the morality of the rich and sociable being interested in beauty when there is so much horrific stuff happening around them. Can these people, the thinking goes, literally not see beyond the end of their noses? How can they expend so much time and effort on something so vain when, as earlier this week, there was a bus bomb in Tripoli? In May, civilians were dying in sectarian gunfights in Beirut. The violence was in Hamra, a louche and lovely party area. Within one day of the May violence dying down, the bars were open and the girls once again putting on the glitz. The mother and child who died in the violence seemingly forgotten." I must confess that this article is as shallow and superficial as the people that she talks about. (thanks Sobhi)