Sunday, June 01, 2008

Somalia update. A real"insider" who does not want to reveal his/her name sent me this: "Just a few notes about Somali and the peace process business going on for sometimes here in Djibouti. Contrary to what Al Jazeera is reporting (but also the BBC - see the link below), the UN-backed talks didn't really open today in Djibouti ... Both side (the TFG and the opposition) refused to show up for the meeting and the afternoon session has been just canceled. I was...) (please hide this underlined phrase if you will publish the note on your blog) and I can tell you that everyones else were there but the 2 parties refused again to meet in the same room. Meanwhile, the situation is getting more and more confusing because Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed the president of the Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia was dismissed from his position because some of the most radicals elements (supported by Eritrea) are against his leadership and his position to negotiate for a political settlement (there are news that the Alliance break-up in two mvt). On the side of the TFG, the prime minister Nuur Hassan Hussein is more and more openly criticizing the president Abdillahi Youssouf.... And the president of the parlement of the TFG has moved from his hotel Kempinski where all the TFG people are staying and he is now staying at the Imperial Hotel where most of the Alliance delegation are hosted... Abdillahi Youssouf himslef just landed in Djibouti about an hour ago under a huge and very tight security protection (while leaving Mogadisho he just escaped another assassination attempt). While tomorrow a delegation from the Security Council representing all the 15 members will be also in Djibouti. And while this show is going on, the civilians mostly women, children and old people are dying by hundred every hour from displacement, hunger or killed by Ethiopian occupation troops (or their alike). Will keep you informed how things will move on..."