Tuesday, June 03, 2008

I received this email (the author asked me to not use his name or the name of the Sen. for whom he/she works): "In December you gave a review of Michael Oren's Power, Faith, and Fantasy: America in the Middle East: 1776 to Present. You proclaimed it a love affair with Zion. Guess who's promoting the book? Our foreign policy staffer for Senator..., was recently given a copy (which she passed to me) from AIPAC. Their enclosed letter reads in part:
"we are pleased to provide you with a copy of Michael Oren's new book, Power, Faith, and Fantasy: American in the Middle East: 1776 to Present, a comprehensive look at America's involvement in the Middle East. Covering more than 230 years of history, Oren's work in an indispensable piece for those inteersted in understanding the roots of American's Middle East involvement today."
The education of the establishment, huh? Some good news: our staffer is too well-informed for such nonsense."