Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pakistan's new ambassador in DC. A top expert on Pakistan, who does not want to be identified, sent me this: ""The new Pakistan People's Party government in Pakistan has nominated Hussain Haqqani as the new Pakistan ambassador in Washington. Mr. Haqqani, currently the Director of the International Studies Center at Boston University, is also a Senior Fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute in Washington, DC and a frequent guest speaker at the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs (JINSA). At the time when Daniel Pipes was nominated by President Bush as member of the Board of Trustees of the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) -- which was strongly opposed by Senator Dodd and Senator Kennedy for Pipes' anti- Muslim and anti-Arab vies, Mr. Hussain Haqqani wrote an op ed piece in the Wall Street Journal to support his nomination, declaring Pipes as a respectable scholar of Islam and the Middle East. Haqqani is co-founder with Stephen Schwartz, a close friend of Paul Wolfowitz, of the Institute of Islamic Progress and Peace (IIPP), an organization set up a couple of years ago "to fight Islamic extremism." Speaking in a meeting organized by the Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland recently, Haqqani said that Muslims throughouit the world are suffering from "judaphobia" and that the Saudis are drilling this into them. He said that 800 out of 12,00 American mosques are controlled by Wahabi extremists. He also criticized the American Muslim leadership for making the Israeli-Palestinian conflict "as the core" issue; the core issue, according to Haqqani is Muslim backwardness. He said Edward Said was wrong to insist that the Jewish-Arab relations changed with the creation of Israel. "That’s not true. Pumping in hatred changed it," Haqqani claimed. Don't you wish Lebanon would appoint Fuad Ajami and Afghanistan would appoint Zalmay Khalilzad as their ambassadors to Washington?"