Wednesday, March 05, 2008

"It seemed like the most craven of climb-downs. If you listen to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice’s remarks today in Jerusalem, it sounded like Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas had reversed a statement made less than 24 hours before in which he vowed not to re-start peace talks until the Israelis agreed on a truce with militants in Gaza. According to Rice, Abbas “intended to resume negotiations”....Abbas himself was moved to donate blood to the wounded –-never mind that with the Israeli blockade on Gaza, there was absolutely no way for the president’s precious blood to reach any of his injured citizens...Everyone knows how the story ends: Hamas struck back last summer and ran Abbas’ thugs out of the Strip. No matter how hard Rice tries, she can’t put Abbas back together again. And now it’s up to the Israelis to take on Hamas, because U.S. plans to do it by arming Abbas’ men in Gaza failed disgracefully." (via Friday Lunch Club)