Mounzer Sulayman on the most frivolous lawsuit by Fakhri Karim (the (un?)official intellectual of the American occupation of Iraq, and its puppet president) against Samah Idris and Al-Adab. You have to read the full text of his ridiculous lawsuit (in the last issue of Al-Adab magazine): it reads as an addendum to Orwell's 1984. He said--I kid you not--that Samah Idriss crossed the line of "permissible criticisms." It is up to Karim or his puppet Iraqi president to determine the lines of permissibility. He also bragged about his ties to Talbani in the lawsuit, and said that he is a "munadil" (struggler). potato. Hazulat.
PS This is the original article by Samah that annoyed Karim.