Sunday, December 02, 2007

I saw Sari Nusaybah (Nuseibeh) on Al-Jazeera's Akthar min Ra'y. What a lousy performance. This man seems embarrassed to be a Palestinian when all the Palestinians I know (except Dahlan gang members of course) take pride in their Palestinian identity. He said that Bush's support for Israel as a Jewish majority state (which implies that all Palestinian babies who will be born in the future may be simply tossed across the border if they tip the demographic balance of the state) is inoffensive, and said that Bush said something different in Annapolis. This is what Bush said in Annapolis: "Israel is the homeland for the Jewish people." So if somebody said that the US is the homeland for white people, African Americans and all other non-whites should not take offense? He also said that one should not rush to judgment--I kid you not--regarding the "transfer" (transfer is a polite Zionist word that refers to the expulsion of Palestinians) calls in Israeli politics. He said that they should be engaged. When I watched the man he reminded me of characters I knew in Lebanese politics: the kind of commentators that fill the pages of An-Nahar (the right-wing, sectarian Christian, anti-Syrian (people), anti-Palestinian (people) newspaper). Like them, Nuseibah has a deep urge to impress the White Man.