Saturday, June 16, 2007

You have to read this article by Hazim Saghiyyah: more than any other Arab writer, he internalizes the racism of the most vulgar of classical Orientalist cliches--he was the one who early in the Bush administration called on Arabs--from the podium of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy no less--to "internalize" the democratic advocacy of Mr. Bush. Here, he says that "the most barbaric" of Arab countries are those where there is resistance. So by his own account, Saudi Arabia is the most advanced, enlightened, and superior? What a convenient formula for Prince Khalid Bin Sultan's newspaper. Let me find him another formula for his article. How about saying that "the best Arab countries are those where the foreign bribes are the most hefty" or where private jets are awarded to royal princes"? Would that work, in Prince Khalid's newspaper?