Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Would the Washington Post allow somebody to write such a badly written piece about Israel? Would the Washington Post permit such polemics against, say, Saudi Arabia: "I should wait for the results of an investigation into the explosion to learn who killed Khaled and his dad. But I will not wait. I am tired of the murders in Lebanon. I accuse the Syrian regime, headed by President Bashar al-Assad, of killing Khaled. As a friend of the family, I want to press charges against Assad and his Syrian and Lebanese associates. Enough is enough with the Syrian regime and its Lebanese puppets." Imagine if someone sends a similar column of slogans to the Post along with lines "enough is enough with Israel" or "enough is enough with the Saudi regime." Would they publish it? And you know me, that I am a conspiracy theory advocate: I have never ever heard of this dude, and yet I have received three links of articles by him in US newspapers in the last week alone. Spontaneous, I am sure. He simply submitted those articles on his own. Oh, yeah. And Dahlan is innocently resting in a Cairo hotel.